Rumor: ‘Ender’s Game’ Trailer Release Date

Ender's GameBob Orci Tweets

One ‘Ender’s Game’ fan tweeted ‘Ender’s Game’ producer, Bob Orci, asking when we would see the first ‘Ender’s Game’ movie trailer. Bob Orci confirmed with an enthusiastic “Yup!” that we would see it with his ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’. See his tweet below:


While this is vague at best, we may see the first ‘Ender’s Game’ trailer during the previews of Orci’s ‘Star Trek.’ ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ will hit theaters on May 17, 2013. This is still a rumor, because there has been no official trailer release date from the Odd Lot or Summit Entertainment / Lionsgate.

Also see: ‘Ender’s Game’ Movie Teaser Poster

The ‘Ender’s Game’ film will be released in U.S. theaters on November 1, 2013.