Staff Page


Name: Cassandra
Position: Owner/Webmaster
Job Description: News poster, manages main site, Facebook page and Twitter.
Current Location: California, USA
Favorite Ender Quote: “While you’re governing the colony and I’m writing political philosophy, they’ll never guess that in the darkness of night we sneak into each other’s room and play checkers and have pillow fights.” –Valentine, Ender’s Game
Additional Information: My email is a black hole: a lot more goes in than comes out, so responses might be a little delayed. @CassandraLOrtiz is my personal Twitter.
Contact Information: Email is best webmaster[dot]endersansible[at]gmail[dot]com

Name: Taalcon
Position: Administrator
Job Description: News poster, video editor, basically does everything the webmaster is too busy to do.
Current Location: Georgia, USA
Contact Information: Email is best dltayman[at]gmail[dot]com

Name: Chris
Position: Administrator
Job Description: Fixes the things the webmaster breaks on the website, also comes up with great website tweeks and implements them.
Current Location: Minnesota, USA
Favorite Ender Quote: “We do what we do and then we make up reasons for it afterward but they’re never the true reasons, the truth is always just out of reach.” –Novinha, Children of the Mind
Contact Information: @chrisfried

Name: Alea
Position: Reporter
Job Description: Organizes and conducts interviews, content contributor
Current Location: Illinois, USA
Favorite Ender Quote: “We spend our lives guessing at what’s going on inside everybody else, and when we happen to get lucky and guess right, we think we ‘understand.’ Such nonsense. Even a monkey at a computer will type a word now and then.” –Ender, Xenocide,
Contact Information: Email is best pwebarchivist[at]gmail[dot]com

Name: Ender Speaker
Position: Editorial Writer
Job Description: Writes amazing editorials
Current Location: UK
Favorite Ender Quote: “Your work is first, learning is first, winning is everything because without it there is nothing.” –Mazer Rackham, Ender’s Game
Contact Information: Twitter is best @EnderSpeaker

Name: LilBee
Position: News Poster
Job Description: Hunts down and reports the news
Current Location: Utah, USA
Favorite Ender Quote: “No human being, when you understand his desires, is worthless.  No one’s life is nothing.  Even the most evil men and women, if you understand their hearts, had some generous act that redeems them, at least a little, from their sins.” –Ender, Speaker for the Dead
Contact Information: @Shananity or pwebeditors[at]gmail[dot]com

Name: Jennifer
Position: News Poster
Job Description: Hunts down and reports the news
Current Location: California, USA
Favorite Ender Quote: “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.”  –Petra, Ender’s Shadow
Contact Information: Email is best jennifervela17[at]yahoo[dot]com

Name: EC Spencer
Position: Column Writer
Job Description: Writes the weekly column, “Twitter News Round Up”
Current Location: Hawaii, USA
Favorite Ender Quote: “We may be young, but we’re not powerless. We play by their rules long enough and it becomes our game.”  –Valentine, Ender’s Game
Contact Information: enderwiggin_battleschool[at]yahoo[dot]com or @Wiggin47

Name: Fernando
Position: News Poster and Editorial Writer
Job Description: Hunts down and reports the news, and writes editorials
Current Location: Toronto, Canada
Favorite Ender Quote: “He was a soldier, and if anyone had asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up, he wouldn’t have known what they meant.” –Bean, Ender’s Game
Contact Information: fernandoframe[at]gmail[dot]com

Name: GameOver
Position: News Informant and Content Contributor
Job Description: Hunts down news for the news posters and adds content pages, especially the comic book pages
Current Location: Texas, USA
Favorite Ender Quote: Coming Soon
Contact Information: philoticweb123[at]gmail[dot]com