Asa Butterfield To Do AMA on Reddit Tomorrow

amaAsk Asa Anything!

Ender Wiggin actor, Asa Butterfield, took to Reddit after our Google Plus Hangout with him following the release of the first ‘Ender’s Game’ teaser trailer. He answered a few fan questions before calling it a night. He promises to do an AMA (Ask Me Anything) tomorrow morning (his time). You can submit questions to Asa by finding his thread on tomorrow.

Read a few of his responses from today below:

Q: Did you read the book before being offered the position as Ender? Or was it something you did after receiving the role?

A:I read the book as soon as I’d finished the script. It was something I was really really excited about

Q: I can’t really think of anything to ask that you wouldn’t get in trouble for answering. I’m a huge fan of the book. Will I be disappointed?

A: You won’t be disappointed, as long as you don’t go into the cinema thinking that the film will be 100% truthful to the book. And anything that might get me in trouble I’m just gunna ignore 😉

Q: Welcome to reddit’s commenting system, where the funny comments always get to the top and anything else is pushed aside. That being said, excited! How was meeting Harrison ford? Are you in front of green screens most scenes?

A: Yeah, there was a tonne of green screen work. And Harrison is so cool. I mean, it’s Harrison ford.

The ‘Ender’s Game’ film will be released in U.S. theaters November 1, 2013.