Interested in joining with ‘Ender’s Ansible’ team?
We’re looking a few reliable staff writers. A staff writer needs to be 18-years-old or older, have basic grammar skills, time to check their email frequently, and a flexible enough schedule to write a 10-minute post in the middle of the day. If you meet the qualifications and you’re passionate about ‘Ender’s Game,’ send an email to webmaster[dot]endersansible[at]gmail[dot]com before Friday, May 24th.
For the application, please include:
1) Your name
2) Why you have time to hunt for news and post at least twice a day
3) Describe your English skills and any writing experience (if you have any)
4) Anything else you think we should know about you
Finally, if you’re not interested in being a staff writer, but would like to contribute in another way, send us an email describing how you want to contribute to the site.
Note: All positions are unpaid volunteer positions.