On Sunday, Centipede Press gave a long awaited update on their Enderverse projects.
In a July newsletter, Centipede Press shared that ‘Speaker for the Dead’ and ‘Ender’s Way’ are both headed to the printers soon. The two volumes will be released sometime between Fall 2019 and Spring 2020.
In 2014, Centipede Press published a beautiful illustrated edition of ‘Ender’s Game’. In 2015, the publishing company announced that they were working on an illustrated edition of ‘Speaker for the Dead’ and an untitled Enderverse short story collection. I have confirmed that ‘Ender’s Way’ is now the title of this short story collection, but I’m awaiting a table of contents before definitively labeling this volume as a complete Enderverse short story collection.
For more information about these volumes please consider joining the Centipede Press mailing list.