Futuristic Audi Appears in ‘Ender’s Game’ Final Trailer

ku-bigpicAudi designed “fleet shuttle Quattro” in film

A Jalopnik article reveals that Audi has designed a car to serve as ‘fleet shuttle’ in the Ender’s Game film. The fact that they describe it as their first ‘virtual car’ means that it will probably have heavy CGI.

“Designing the AUDI fleet shuttle quattro was similar to customizing a tailor-made suit,” said Frank Rimili, chief designer for the film project, in an io9 article. “We adapted it to the requirements of the world in Ender’s Game and at the same time had to take care to preserve our brand values.”

Thank you Steve Sywak and Thomas Dickerson for the tips.

The ‘Ender’s Game’ film will be released on November 1st, 2013.