‘Ender’s Game’ Producer Bob Orci Talks Possible Movie Sequels

OB-XM796_kurtzm_DV_20130516125111‘Ender’s Game’ producer, Bob Orci, spoke about the direction of possible ‘Ender’s Game’ movie sequels.

Summit and Entertainment hold the rights to thirteen of the books in the Enderverse, but between Summit Entertainment and OddLot, Orci isn’t sure who controls what.

In a new interview with Crave Online, Orci says he is not set on the idea that they would remake one of the books page-per-page. He says that they could mix story lines from a few of the books or maybe create something original.

“Or it could be potentially original because in ‘Speaker for the Dead‘ you pick him up when he’s already a man,” Orci says. “There might be an in between step if that happens.”

Of course, there is no confirmed film sequel for ‘Ender’s Game’.