Ender’s Game Movie Photoshoot

The cast of Ender’s Game is in Los Angeles for post-production edits… and a photoshoot! We don’t have any pictures yet, but Peter actor, Jimmy Pinchak et us know about the photoshoot via his Facebook:

Bean actor, Aramis Knight, tweeted earlier about an Ender’s Game “reunion” tomorrow. Could be more post-production work.

Ender’s Game Movie Picked Up by Netflix in Latin America

Possibly 4 Months After Initial Release

Variety reports that in a deal made between Netflix and Telefilms, Ender’s Game (after it’s theatrical release) will be distributed in Latin America and Brazil. Netflix has only been in Latin America for nine months and they already have more than one million subscribers.  By working though Telefilms, Netflix will be able to reach an even wider audience.

Variety reports Telefilms president Tomas Darcyl saying, “By choosing to work with Telefilms, Netflix is providing Latin American consumers the most appealing and prestigious films available.”

Ender’s Game may be available to fans in Latin America through just 4 months after it’s initial release.

Ender’s Game Movie: What’s Next?

Post-Production and More!

Filming officially wrapped on Saturday (read about it + pictures here) and we bet you’re thinking. “The movie’s more than a year away! There’s going to be nothing new!” Trust us, there’s going to be plenty going on from now until November 2013. What’s next?

Ender's Game producers Bob Orci & David Coatsworth on set behind a green screen

Editing and Special Effects Editing galore! Lots of editing! The post-production team needs to edit the individual scenes into a cohesive movie that’s going to make millions of people fall in love (and re-fall in love) with Ender’s Game. We know from images posted on Twitter that at least some green screen is being incorporated. This means that graphics and other special effects need to be added in.

Music We’re also hoping for a announcement about the film’s music. Will the Ender’s Game movie have a soundtrack or will it be scored? (We really hope it’s scored!) Music is so important to setting the tone of the movie, we can’t wait to learn the name of the composer or who the soundtrack artists will be. (Personally, we’re hoping for something scored that’ll be as beautiful and memorable as the Star Wars theme music and Hedwig’s Theme.)

Teaser Posters and Trailers If you missed @EnderSpeaker‘s latest post on this subject go read it now! We can’t wait until the first teaser posters and trailers are released. The first time you see a teaser trailer on your home television you’re going to explode with happiness. Of course we’ll let you know whenever that it.

Advertising “We have established ourselves as the No. 1 studio in young adult franchises,” Lionsgate’s CEO [Variety.]  If they truly are (and we’re not arguing that they’re not) then we’re sure they have unique advertising techniques up their sleeves. If their advertising tactics mirror their beyond-the-ordinary-tactics for The Hunger Games then we’re expecting some major hype for the movie. The Official Ender’s Game Production Blog does seem to mirror The Official Hunger Games Tumblr. And you can’t forget the rumor that Ender’s Game will be at Comic-Con 2013.

Merchandise We can only imagine what kind of merchandise Lionsgate is going to roll out for Ender’s Game. [Edit: We found there awesome production gifts. Take a look!] Possibly action figures, toy flash guns, (please no lame video game tie-in!) posters, lunch boxes, clothing line (Dear Christine Bieselin-Clark, Pretty please design a wearable line of clothing with very subtle Ender’s Game references.) and there’s already book with an updated movie cover due out in September.

Red carpet interviews, magazine covers and more! (And you can’t forget our to-be-released-set-visit-details!) So you see, there will plenty of news for you all to devour between now and November 2013.

And if that’s not enough, Ender’s Game prequel: Earth Unaware is due out next month. Pre-order here! Tell us in the comments what news you’re most looking forward to!


Ender’s Game Movie Heads to Los Angeles

Post-Production Bits

Filming for the Ender’s Game movie wrapped on Saturday and different cast and crew headed to their hometowns. We weren’t surprised to learn that many of the main cast members were heading back to Los Angeles, because many of them live in the area. However, we were surprised to learn that at least some of them will continue to work on the Ender’s Game movie here in Los Angeles.

So far we know that Ender actor, Asa Butterfield, and Peter actor, Jimmy Pinchak, are going to be working on the Ender’s Game movie here in LA. We aren’t sure what exactly they’ll be doing, but Asa tweeted this:

It’s also worth noting that the Ender’s Game special effects company, Digital Domain, is primarily located in the Los Angeles area.

Updated: Ender’s Game Production Memorabilia

Gifts From Production

We found what looks to be like gifts from the Ender’s Game production. There are two different t-shirts, a jacket, what looks to be like Ender-themed Mardi Gras beads (since filming was in New Orleans), glassware and a bracelet. Pretty cool, neh? (Click for bigger images!)

UPDATED: Ender’s Game Movie Wraps Filming

Ender’s Game Film Enters Post-Production

Edit: Updated to include more pictures!

Today is a bittersweet day for Ender’s Game fans. Today was the last day of filming which means that movie has officially entered post-production. We’re one step closer to seeing the movie on the big screen, but it also means that the Jeesh breaking up (for now at least).

Earlier this week on Saturday, the producers hosted a wrap party at the House of Blues in New Orleans. See pictures from the wrap party below.

The young cast sitting around a table

Asa, Aramis and Khylin

Producers Lynn Hendee & Bob Orci (Love them!)

Ender's Game Ice Sculpture

Dragon Ice Sculpture

Many of the cast and crew tweeted their farewells and promises to visit with each other back in Los Angeles (where many of them live). Khylin Rhambo even tweeted this photo; he had the whole background sign his hand.

Khylin had the background sign his hand

Speaking of extras, extra @kelv_harr tweeted this picture of glassware he received, telling us that it was a gift from the production.

Glassware production gift

Suraj received this gift from Conor Carroll.

Gift to Suraj from Conor

And Khylin tweeted this dog tag featuring a Dragon for Dragon Army that may or may not be a gift from someone on set.

Khylin's dragon dog tag

And on a final note, Jimmy Pinchack returned to New Orleans this week for a few short days to film some final scenes. This seems like a logical conclusion to the filming, because it has seemed that the filming has been shot in chronological order. They are growing children after all. You can still follow the cast and crew on Twitter here.

Ender’s Game Production Blog #11

Costume Design

After a two week hiatus the Official Ender’s Game Production Blog released a new post on costume designer, Christine Bieslin Clark. They dish flash suits (finally!) and how many yards of fabric it takes to make a costume for Sergeant Dap!

” For ENDER’S GAME, we wanted to make a future that looked both functional and logical.  We wanted it to be a future where you can picture yourself in their shoes. […] Christine built the flash suits from virtually non-existent fabrics designed by our incredible production team.  The idea was to take cues from “extreme sports” to inspire our design, using real world practicality as opposed to the heightened reality of superhero spandex and a cape.”

Read whole article here.

Blue Hawk Aviation Featured In Ender’s Game Film Production

Earlier this month the Blue Hawk Aviation, an aviation service and consulting company, announced they were contributing to the Ender’s Game film production. Though, not much detail is given to what they did for the production there contribution is on strict silence, so we will have to wait until the storm of the premier to find out what they consulted.

The company has also been in works with Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, which is due in 2013. Any thoughts on what scenes they worked on?

Ender’s World Book: Ask Orson Scott Card

Q&A with OSC! Ask now!

The people of Smart Pop Books want to ask all you Ender fans out there: “What have you always wanted to know about Ender’s Game?”

The team is gearing up to release Ender’s World, a collection of Ender-related essays edited by Ender’s Game author, Orson Scott Card. Your questions will be answered by Orson Scott Card throughout the book.

“We’ll publish as many answers as we can in the final book, and give you guys some sneak previews this fall/winter leading up to the book release over at our Tumblr.”

You don’t need a Tumblr account to submit you questions, so get on over to the Tumblr here to ask your questions! Ender’s World is due out February 2013 and the deadline to submit your questions is July 1st.