Official Ender’s Game Movie Blog: Ender’s Days

Ender’s Days The Official Ender’s Game Movie Blog posted a photo today of some of the Battle School boys in a flight simulator at Space Camp.  Featured in the photo, from left to right, is Aramis (Bean), Moises (Bonzo), Asa … Continue reading

Official Ender’s Game Movie Blog: Ender’s World

Ender’s World The Official Ender’s Game Movie Blog has a new behind-the-scenes photo from the set today! You can see a photo from the utility deck of the battle school to the left (click to enlarge). The post begins, “If … Continue reading

Hailee Steinfeld Talks Ender’s Game Movie

Haliee Steinfeld Interview Petra actress, Hailee Steinfeld was recently interviewed by Allie Simpson. She answered two questions about the Ender’s Game movie, read below. For the full interview, click here. Q: You are now on set of The Enders Game … Continue reading

Tony Mirrcandani Cast as Admiral Charmrajnagar in Ender’s Game Movie

IMDb Lists New Role The Ender’s Game IMDb page lists a new cast member; it lists Tony Mirrcandani’s role as Admiral Charmrajnagar, a prominent member of the International Fleet (IF). Recall that IMDb can be edited by the general public … Continue reading