Official Ender’s Game Movie Blog: Ender’s Days

Ender’s Days The Official Ender’s Game Movie Blog posted a photo today of some of the Battle School boys in a flight simulator at Space Camp.  Featured in the photo, from left to right, is Aramis (Bean), Moises (Bonzo), Asa … Continue reading

Ender’s Game Movie: First Day of Filming

Day 1 of 70 Today marks the first day of filming on set! Ender actor, Asa Butterfield tweeted:     Dink actor, Khylin Rambo tweeted:     Alexis Allen, who is in charge of casting extras tweeted:     Ender’s … Continue reading

Ender’s Game Open Casting Call

Calling For Kids 10-17 It’s what so many fans have been waiting for… an open casting call has just been announced for the Ender’s Game movie! Read the casting call below: “Ender’s Game open casting call being held at the … Continue reading

Don McAlpine Joins Work on Ender’s Game Movie

Ender’s Game Movie Gets an Award-Winning Cinematographer Don McAlpine is an award-winning cinematographer. Most recently, he was awarded this year’s Raymond Longford Award by the Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts. A few of his credits include Romeo + … Continue reading

Asa Butterfield Accepts Role in the Ender’s Game Movie

Confirmed: Asa Butterfield Will Play Ender Wiggin It’s official via Asa Butterfield’s twitter account… Asa Butterfield has accepted the role of Ender Wiggin in the Ender’s Game movie! One tweet reads, “now that I’ve real eased up all my pent … Continue reading

Ender’s Game Movie Calling for Extras and Crew

How to Be a Part of the Ender’s Game Movie Dying to land a part in Ender’s Game movie? You can try auditioning (click here), or if you live in the New Orleans area (again, if you live in the … Continue reading

Ender’s Game Movie to Film in New Orleans

Ender’s Game Movie to Film in New Orleans from February to June 2012 According to a report by Nola, the Ender’s Game movie will (at least partially) be shot in New Orleans, Louisiana. While we’ve previously brought you rumors about … Continue reading

Ender is Cast!

Asa Butterfield is Cast as Ender! It’s the news we’ve all be been waiting for! According to Deadline, 14-year-old Asa Butterfield has been offered the role of Ender Wiggin. You may recognize this rising actor from the upcoming movie, Hugo. … Continue reading

Christine Bieselin Clark Signs onto Ender’s Game Movie

Ender’s Game Gets a Costume Designer Variety is reporting that Christine Bieselin Clark will work on the Ender’s Game Movie. She has worked with Ender’s Game director, Gavin Hood, on two of his previous films X-Men: Origins and Rendition- neither … Continue reading