‘Ender’s Game’ Movie Review by EnderSpeaker

This morning I fully expected to be sitting here writing how my favorite book, ‘Ender’s Game’, had been let down by a poor movie adaptation. The movie I watched today was not a poor adaptation. One of my biggest fears … Continue reading

“Ender’s Game” Twitter News Round-Up #7

17-21 June 2012 After a brief hiatus, the Twitter News Round-Up is back! While principal photography is over and the cast has parted ways, we’ll still be combing the nets for any cast/crew updates until the movie’s release. Since most … Continue reading

“Ender’s Game” Twitter News Round-Up #6

7 May–13 May 2012 This week saw quite a few departures on the “Ender’s Game” set, but also celebrated a birthday for director Gavin Hood and continued filming with Harrison Ford and the central cast. On Wednesday, May 9th, Brandon Soo Hoo (Fly … Continue reading

Ender’s Game Movie Cast Comes Together

Ender’s Game Cast Heads to New Orleans The Ender’s Game movie cast has finally landed in New Orleans. Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley are expected to arrive some time next week, Peter actor Jimmy Pinchak leaves for New Orleans on … Continue reading

Christine Bieselin Clark Signs onto Ender’s Game Movie

Ender’s Game Gets a Costume Designer Variety is reporting that Christine Bieselin Clark will work on the Ender’s Game Movie. She has worked with Ender’s Game director, Gavin Hood, on two of his previous films X-Men: Origins and Rendition- neither … Continue reading