Ender’s Game Production Roundup

Ender’s Game Twitter News Digest The following is provided as a service for those who do not follow the Twitter feeds for the cast and crew of Ender’s Game. Apart from seeing ample evidence of the fun and friendship going … Continue reading

Ender’s Game Movie: First Day of Filming

Day 1 of 70 Today marks the first day of filming on set! Ender actor, Asa Butterfield tweeted:     Dink actor, Khylin Rambo tweeted:     Alexis Allen, who is in charge of casting extras tweeted:     Ender’s … Continue reading

Ender’s Game Movie Cast Comes Together

Ender’s Game Cast Heads to New Orleans The Ender’s Game movie cast has finally landed in New Orleans. Harrison Ford and Ben Kingsley are expected to arrive some time next week, Peter actor Jimmy Pinchak leaves for New Orleans on … Continue reading

Ender’s Game Movie Script Still in Flux

OSC Tells Facebook Many of you have been asking me via e-mail just how much of Ender’s Shadow will be incorporated in the Ender’s Game movie. Now I finally have an answer for you all. Late last week, one Ender … Continue reading

Asa Butterfield Talks Ender’s Game Movie and Being Young

Asa Butterfield Looks Forward to Working with Kingsley BBC America has just posted a wonderful clip of Asa Butterfield, the actor set to play Ender, talking Ender’s Game and Ben Kingsley. “That’s going to be incredible, reuniting with him,” says … Continue reading

Kingsley Almost in Ender’s Game Movie

Says He’s Nearly Done with Negotiations Last Thursday, Ben Kingsley sat down for NPR’s on Point on which he talked about his possible involvement in the Ender’s Game movie as Mazer Rackham. NPR’s Tom Ashbrook asked: “Are you also going … Continue reading

Major Ender’s Game Movie Casting News!

Peter, Valentine, Bean and More! Check out all these confirmed actors for Ender’s Game, just announced by Variety! Edit: You can have a more in depth view of the about the actors by clicking here. Harrison Ford as Graff (below) … Continue reading

Ben Kingsley May Play Mazer Rackham in the Ender’s Game Movie

Another Big Name in Talks to Join the Ender’s Game Movie According to the UK Press Association, British actor Ben Kingsley is in talks to play a “legendary war hero presumed to be long dead” in an upcoming sci-fi movie. … Continue reading

Orson Scott Card’s Response to Ender’s Casting

OSC Has Praise and Hope for Asa Butterfield GeekTyrant has a wonderful response from Ender’s Game author, Orson Scott Card, about Asa Butterfield’s role in the Ender’s Game movie. He’s quoted as saying, “I’m delighted that Asa Butterfield is so … Continue reading